Marketing Wedding Trade Shows

The Importance of Marketing mix for wedding trade shows:
The marketing mix is vital to the creation of a successful wedding trade show. Product, price, place and promotion are divided into two sectors; therefore it uses different elements for clients and for exhibitors.

Clients: Interested in variety of wedding products and services by different exhibitors. (Dresses, Flowers, Table decors, Jewelry, etc.)
Exhibitors: Interested in selling and promoting wedding products and services to existing and new clients.      
Clients: Price of the ticket and travel expenses (it depends on the particular trade show location)
Exhibitors: Price of the exhibiting stand and travel expenses.
Clients: The location plays an important part. It has to be accessible.
Exhibitors: The choice depends where the most successful  trade show venue takes place. That will ensure the highest possibility to obtain new clients and business partners.
Clients and Exhibitors: Wedding magazines, Television, Newspapers, Word of mouth and Social media such as: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube

Target Audience:  
The market target audience of the wedding trade shows is mainly focused on future brides to be, couples and their relatives,wedding magazine publishers, businesses working within the wedding industry. From business point of view it gives a great opportunity to create new business to business relations as well as sustain their own competitiveness on the market. From clients prospective it allows to gain more knowledge and new ideas about the market  and what products and services is it offering to make they dream wedding come true.

Wedding trade shows have the need of sponsorship as it helps to ensure the success, maximize business opportunities and allows to engage with broad target audience. Sponsorship is also great marketing tool as the brand can have huge influence on the attendance of the clients and exhibitors and investment which can guarantee other direct or indirect benefits in return. Every wedding trade show has different sponsors depending on the location and the country.

Examples of wedding trade show sponsors:

Bellow are some examples of trade shows and who have sponsored their events, and who sponsor other trade show events as well :

Sponsors of the London Bridal show: 


Sponsors of the South Africa wedding Expo:

The National Asian wedding show: 

1 comment:

  1. this is great to know for future use as after i graduate from uni i can find jobs in this sector as this is what intersted me the most :) all the best :)
