Types Of Weddings

Types of wedding

A wedding is a very special occasion in the life of any individual. Therefore there is a desire to make it different and memorable (Carter, 2013). There are different event management agencies, hotels, and companies, which are active in helping you to make your special day memorable. Wedding trade shows can be a good idea for both clients and the businesses (Carter, 2013). It is good for the clients as they can learn about the different possible themes. It is good for the businesses as they can present their products to a large range of clients.
This particular site allows you to have a peep into the different wedding themes available around the world.

Themed  weddings
Themed weddings is becoming vastly popular all over the globe. Bellow are different types of themes and examples of themed weddings that could help you create your type of wedding of  desire. 

Themed Weddings

Beach Weddings

Beach weddings are very popular. The famous destinations for this type are Greece, Goa, Maldives, Mauritius, Kenya and Italy (Sabino, 2010) and also many other destinations. There is a lot of help available from different small and medium sized businesses who plan and execute everything for you for a fee.

They have a discussion on the destinations, the different themes that would suit the local climate and culture, etc. They keep in close contact with the couple in order to understand their dreams and desires so that the arrangements can be made accordingly. Runaway Bride and Groom is an agency, which has long experience in arranging such weddings (Runaway Bride and Groom, 2013). There are also other agencies around. 

You can expect the following services from these planners and agencies:

-Booking hotels

-Provision of Food

-Arrangement of photographers



Traditional weddings

Another popular theme is the traditional weddings. These weddings can take place in a church, temple or in a cultural setting (Cox and Franz, 2006). Different rituals can be arranged which would suit the occasion and the client needs. Trade shows are a good venue to exhibit the expertise of the different planners in different fields. The clients can also have an exposure to a wide variety of traditional themes that are possible.

The agencies who provide the traditional weddings planning services give miliar services as described in respect of the Beach weddings.

1 comment:

  1. wow this is very interesting. my dream wedding is to have a beach one with different themes and parties in it. this blog has given me certain ideas and thoughts for my dream wedding and where i could possibly get more ideas from going to a trade show :) good luck guys. keep it going :)
